Would you or your class like to review our books? Click here to email us or email cassidy.kathy@mail.mjsd1.ca and we'll post your review on this page.


I loved the book One Hundred Things and Rectangles but the colours were too loud. I loved the rectangles that moved. I loved the girl that said "one hundred things" and the one hundred hockey cards.
Age 6
Saskatoon, SK

We read your book Reading Buddies. We like how the words change colours when we are tracking the story.
Skye, Moira, Brendon, Star and Colby
Mrs. Scandrett's Grade 1/2 Class
Prince Arthur School, Moose Jaw, SK.

We read the book Money. We like reading about money. You did it in order. I went in the order a penny to a toonie.
Colby, Brendon, Star, Skye and Moira
Mrs. Scandrett's Grade 1/2 Class
Prince Arthur School, Moose Jaw, SK.

We Are Alike - We really liked the shark in the book. We liked all of the animals. There were lots of girls in the book.
Wyatt, Justin, Jacob, Chelsea
Mrs. Scandrett's Grade 1/2 Class
Prince Arthur School, Moose Jaw, SK.

Celebrating Birthdays - I like the part when they got to blow out the candles and eat the cake. I like how you say the words out that we don’t know!
Justin, Chelsea, Wyatt, Jacob
Mrs. Scandrett's Grade 1/2 Class
Prince Arthur School, Moose Jaw, SK.

One Hundred Day - I like the title page. Robin
I like the when you made the glass. They were funny. Dakota
I like the ending because it was about having fun at school and we always have fun at school. Riley
Mrs. Scandrett's Grade 1/2 Class
Prince Arthur School, Moose Jaw, SK.

Wow! The Kindergarten children and I have been looking at your new “Browser Books” site! It was fun looking at your pictures and trying to figure out whose voices we were hearing! You have sure learned a lot since you were in Kindergarten!
Congratulations Mrs. Cassidy! Browser Books is an amazing site! Your many, many hours of work have produced materials that are a wonderful resource for all teachers! I love the way you have organized the books according to reading levels, subjects and other resources available. You have even included the objectives which correspond with the Saskatchewan Evergreen Curriculum. This site is easy to use, even for children with limited computer skills. The children are giving the site “raving reviews”!
They want you to know that their favorite parts include:
- When one boy does not like stinky feet,
- When we had to guess the rules in the Sorting book,
- When the boys and girls checked out the lotion, the orange, the perfume and the flower in the Smell book.
- When we had to look to find the numbers in your Number Walk book.
- We liked your colour books.
Congratulations on your 52 books and thank you as we all have fun reading your books!
Mrs. Pickering and the Kindergarten classes.
Westmount School
Moose Jaw, SK.

We loved reading your books! Jamie loved all the colors. Bailey liked all the words that we could read. Nolan and Tristan liked your healthy snacks book. Alyssa liked to see the pictures of each of you. Sheylene liked the book about money because she knew all the coins. Lane liked everything! Rayanna liked how your voices sounded with the words in the books. Tallissa liked all the different kinds of books. McKenzie loved your books so much she wants to read them all again. Austin liked the photographs. Stacee liked all the books because of all of the neat kids. Teanna liked all of your smiles. Mariah liked all the healthy fruit. Cassidy liked all the pictures because they were colorful and bright like rainbows. Ms. Kulcsar liked your books because they are about things we have learned this year.
Great Job! You sure have worked hard!
Thank you for sharing all of your books with us,
Love your neighbors-
Ms. Kulcsar’s Grade 1 Class

Westmount School, Moose Jaw, SK.

I liked reading the books Orange and Purple. My mom was so happy that I could read those books on my own. I like that I can click on a word if I don't know it. I like that pictures too.
age 6
Calgary, AB.

I liked the stories. I could read some of them by myself and I'm only in Kindergarten. I liked the Baby Animals story best.
age 5
Moose Jaw

