Chemistry 30

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Solutions Research Library

Suggestions for Research Assignments

  • Potash mining is an important economic activity in Saskatchewan. Investigate and report on potash mining in Saskatchewan. Include sections such as "What is Potash?" and "How is Potash Mined?" (see an example of a student website on potash)

  • Investigate how to make crystals on a string. Try using a variety of substances to create the crystals. Prepare a poster presentation that describes, with illustrations or photos, how they were made. Investigate factors that affect the growth of your crystals. How does making crystals demonstrate the concept of saturated and supersaturated solutions?

  • What is "hard water" and "soft water"? Explain how hard water is made soft.

  • How does soap work? Why does soap form a scum in hard water?

  • What are gallstones and kidneystones? How do they form? How are they removed from the body - can they be dissolved?

  • Chromatography is an important analytical tool used to separate mixtures. There are a variety of chromatography methods; one method is paper chromatography. Do some research into paper chromatography and devise an experiment to demonstrate it - for example paper chromatography may be used to separate colour pigments from felt tip markers. What substances make good solvents to use? What causes the different substances in the mixture to separate during chromatography?

  • Many more ideas can be found in the Evergreen Curriculum

This page provides a list of research topics mentioned in the notes, as well as providing some additional ideas for research projects.

Some suggestions for presenting your research findings:

  • A formal essay or report
  • A web site (sample: "Potash")
  • A short play
  • A newsletter
  • A brochure
  • A video - view a student example with Windows Media Player or Quicktime ("The Bends")
  • A commercial
  • A series of print advertisements

Always be sure to provide the source of your information. This link shows you how to cite resources you get from the Internet

Credits | Central iSchool | Sask Learning | Saskatchewan Evergreen Curriculum | Updated: 24-May-2006